Wisconsin Potatoes
Wisconsin Potatoes
Locally Exceptional
Not only does our food chain have a purpose, it also has a conscience. Our growers are committed to providing American families, restaurants and institutions with the highest quality potatoes on earth. In order to succeed with this ambitious goal, Wisconsin growers understand the significance that superior agricultural practices have on the land and on the crop. They are comprehensively trained in food safety and produce traceability initiatives, and attend regional, national and international conferences to keep current on the science of agriculture.
Our growers do all of this because they have a conscience. They live and work by way of a “do the right thing” approach to agriculture. They don’t take short cuts and they have the deepest respect for the land they farm. In the end, that respect finds its way to dining tables across America.
Potato Varieties
and Usage
So many varieties, so many temptations. You’ll love Wisconsin Potatoes in whatever variety you choose.