Wisconsin Potatoes
Powering Performance and Health!
Potatoes are America’s favorite vegetable, and for good reason! They are delicious, nutritious, versatile and provide the most nutrients per penny.
They are a whole food and complex carbohydrate that your body digests more slowly, so they keep you feeling full longer which is good news in terms of living a healthy lifestyle and weight control.
In fact, Wisconsin potatoes can power performance! They’re a superfood at the core and provide the vitamins and minerals your body craves.
They supply the fuel your body needs to get through any activity, so don’t hesitate to eat Wisconsin potatoes before you exercise. Don’t feel guilty about eating them after your workout either since they can help your body recover.
When you buy local and buy Wisconsin potatoes, you’re not only supporting your area’s economy and businesses, but you’re also getting all the above health benefits in a fresher product at a lower carbon footprint!
Wisconsin’s multi-generational family farms work hard to sustainably provide the highest-quality potatoes for your family. So when you shop, make sure the potatoes in your cart are from Wisconsin, the number one potato-producing state east of the Mississippi. We promise you won’t regret it!